Hoping for rain

“How’s it going?” she asked.

One look said it all.

I was ready to quit. I’d been reaching into my personal reserves so deep for so long that I had nothing left to give.

How could I go on?

She challenged me to have a hard conversation, to let someone know that this was too much.

Even the thought was exhausting. Who would I go to? My boss? Any of the three executive directors of the three buildings I work for? Either of my two consulting dietitians? My consulting dietitians’ boss?

I had no idea.

But I knew something had to be done.

Then, by the grace of God, one of my consulting dietitians asked some hard questions.

“Can you do this?” she asked. “Not that you’re not normal, but could a normal person do this with normal hours?”

I had to confess that no, there was no way I could do this–anyone could do this–and still maintain normal hours.

Even that was so good. To have someone know. To have someone recognize how hard I’ve been working, how crazy my workload and hours have been. To have someone understand.

But she’s doing more. She’s working on my behalf. She’s going to help me in the now, help reduce my load. And she’s going to talk with the powers that be, help me at least propose my ideal scenario.

After a month without a drop of rain, the sky has clouded over.

I feel like it might finally rain.

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