Reflections on 2009

2009 has been a year of completions and of new beginnings (as perhaps every year is, when all is said and done.)

This year, I completed my six year quest to become a Registered Dietitian. After my long years of undergraduate school, overgraduate school :-), internship, and test anxiety, I am finally Rebekah Menter, RD, LMNT.

This year, two of my best friends completed their PA training and moved from my house to their own respective houses hours away. My sister is no longer my roommate, for (almost) the first time since I was born. She’s moving on, into the things God has prepared for her.

This year, after years of watching Dan and Debbie move from childhood crushes to friends to girlfriend and boyfriend, my dreams (and theirs) are coming to a culmination: we will welcome Debbie into the Menter family in June of 2010.

This year, after years of anxiously tugging on God’s shirt, begging for a chance to pursue a relationship with a man, God has said that the time is right. And so I venture into the unknown world of courtship myself.

But one thing has not changed this year. He who began the good work in me continues to be faithful. When I reach the bottom, He lifts my head. When I almost reach the sky, He is the tether that lets me fly. When I am at the end of myself, He is all-sufficient. He who began the good work in me is faithful to complete it. Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on (by His grace), that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has already laid hold of me…Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

2 thoughts on “Reflections on 2009”

  1. It’s so funny that we both did a similar post yesterday! Remember, back in the day, how we used to always be learning the same thing in different (but similar) ways? This sort of reminds me of that. =)
    I love you, dear! And I am really excited to see 2010 takes each of us!


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