The new and improved bekahcubed

Despite spending almost every non-working waking hour on my computer, I have not posted since Monday.

That’s because I’ve been working on the newest version of bekahcubed: version 7. New features include a fresh new site design, more easily updatable links, and better compatibility with Internet Explorer (hopefully).

I began to see the need for a change when I viewed my site on someone else’s Internet Explorer. The main page worked fine, but higher up files were all out of whack.

I’m something of a nerd–and I do all my own html (hypertext markup language), css (cascading style sheets), and rss (rich site summary or really simple syndication). But I don’t have endless time to design and my knowledge is fairly limited (although expanding all the time.)

I worked up version 6 after I’d switched to Mozilla Firefox as my web browser. While I checked the main page once or twice on IE, I didn’t pay too much attention to trying to solve the IE bugs.

But, having seen the results in IE, I see the need for a change. So Internet Explorer is a buggy, decrepit browser that doesn’t even attempt to follow the W3C standards for web browsers–but just because someone has not taken advantage of the amazing, free Mozilla Firefox doesn’t mean I should exclude them from my site.

The new version has some additional properties that will make it easier for me to make changes quickly without having to open up half a dozen hundred files and meticulously add, delete, or rewrite code. That should decrease my stress quite a bit–and hopefully enable you to enjoy an even higher quality site.

5 thoughts on “The new and improved bekahcubed”

  1. On 04.19.09 – 8:50 am
    bekahcubed said:

    So maybe I spoke to soon when I said version 7 is compatible with IE. It seems that in IE browsers the sidebar links are opening inside the sidebars instead of in the main page.

    I’ve been searching for a hack to solve the problem for the last hour but haven’t found anything useful yet. ARGHH for Internet Explorer.

  2. On 04.19.09 – 10:18 pm
    bekahcubed said:

    After only about 6 hours of tweaking (admittedly made longer by my periodic rants against IE at anyone who came within earshot), I have finally fixed the sidebar problem. So maybe IE users will actually have success with the page.

    As to where I am in the cast of characters, do I really need an introduction? (JK–I’ll get a picture up ASAP.)

    Now, to bed–since I’m only 1.75 hours late on my “turn off the computer” time.


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