Thankful Thursday: Unexpected Blessings

Today I’m thankful…

…for an unexpectedly quick pool set up and the pleasure of spending some time with my sister yesterday.

Setting up the Pool

…for the unexpected productivity of today’s thesis work. I felt like I was just FLYING through the articles I was reading–quite different from the slogging I had been doing.

…for the unexpected opportunity to see some old co-workers at lunch today. I had nice little chats with Jeff and Janet and was able to say hello to quite a few more.

…for an unexpected Kudos from one of my dad’s coworkers on the successful wedding

…for an unexpected chance to spend time with a former friend I haven’t seen for a while. We roomed together during my senior year of high school, but she moved to KC for college–and I stayed in Lincoln. Now she and her husband and baby daughter are back in Omaha and I get to help them paint tomorrow! Yahoo!

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