Thankful Thursday: A Securely Anchored Pole

Thankful Thursday bannerHave you ever had one of those weeks where you feel just a bit off?

Like a flag with only one corner attached to the halyard, leaving the rest to be twisted and tortured by every breath of wind.

It’s disconcerting on calm days, terrifying when the icy blasts of winter decide to let loose at last.

That’s why I’m thankful for a securely anchored pole.

This week I’m thankful…

…that God is omniscient
He sees everything coming–and is there before it arrives to usher it into the proper place.

…that God is omnipotent
He is strong enough to bear my every weakness.

…that God is omnipresent
He is there wherever I go.

…that God is loving
He desires my best–and my best is conforming me into the image of His Son.

…that God disciplines those He loves
He is willing to do whatever is necessary, regardless of the pain, to make me like Him.

…that God does not break a bruised reed
Because some days I feel like one.

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