We had a Bunco Party last night for our ladies fellowship.
Bunco is a great game for family gatherings, mixers, and the like. Have you ever played?
All you need is one bell, a pair of dice for every four people, and a pen and piece of paper for each person. Everyone sits down at a table of four with a pair of dice. Partners (sitting across from each other) acrue points together. To start play, the “head table” rolls until they get double. When they get a double, they ring the bell, announce the number they had rolled double (the “Bunco number”), and play begins.
Each table starts rolling to acrue points. A single die of the “Bunco number” is worth 1 point, a double of any number except 3 is worth 5 points, a double of the Bunco number is worth 25 points, and a double 3 drops the team’s points to zero. A player continues to roll until they cease to acrue points (that is until they get a roll that DOES NOT contain the Bunco number or a double.) Then play passes to the next player.
Play ends when a team at the head table acrues 50 points–and has completed rolling. In other words, if the head table reaches 50 points, the current player must continue to roll until he gets a roll that DOES NOT contain the Bunco number or a double. When this occurs, the head table rings the bell. Each table may finish the current play, but may not pass the dice to another player.
Teams now determine table “winners” and “losers.” The “winners” at each table advance to the next higher table. The “losers” stay at their current table and move so that they are sitting next to each other rather than across from each other. This means that you get a new partner for every round. The exception to this is the head table. The winners from the head table remain where they are at, while the losers go to the bottom table. The winners from table 2 remain in their present team when they advance to the head table.
Each player records his or her points at the end of each round. When the final round is played (generally as determined by a set number of rounds or a set time), all players tally up their points. The person with the most points is the winner!
You really should try it–it’s great fun for all–and even the youngest children can enjoy it if they’re paired with an adult who can help them with the math. Of course, it’s also good math practice for those early elementary students!