I take pictures of my toilet

I do.

You don’t believe me?

Here’s proof:

back of toilet bowl

My toilet had been running continuously, so I set out to replace the flapper.

Flapper replaced, I filled the tank (sans the space taken up by my Dorothy Lynch dressing bottles of water) with water and added food coloring.

Toilet bowl with blue dye

Unfortunately, the blue food dye quickly leaked into the bowl, indicating that my fix had NOT solved the problem.

So I disassembled the toilet again and did some troubleshooting.

Maybe it’s that hard water deposit on the what’sit there.

My Xacto knife came out and I scraped the deposit off.

I refilled the tank and added red dye this time.

back of toilet bowl

Nope. That wasn’t it either.

Then I broke the ceramic urn thing I keep on the back of my toilet.

So I super glued it back together.

Then I super glued a ceramic figurine I’d broken months ago back together.

Then I discovered that I’d super glued my fingers together.

Xacto knives are great for removing excess glue from random surfaces–but be careful when removing excess glue from fingers.

Postscript: My pastor preached out of Proverbs 31 this Sunday–and I can’t help but think of Mrs. 31 as I go about my not-always-routine day-to-day tasks. Did Mrs. 31 ever have to deal with a toilet that just won’t be fixed? I know Mrs. 31 wouldn’t leave half of her dishes over to the next day. But then again, Mrs. 31 didn’t have to spend 8 (or 10) hours at work each day, did she? I vacillate between inadequacy and pride as I compare myself. Which completely misses the point, I remind myself. FEAR GOD, Rebekah. That’s what make you a Ms. 31 (not whether or not you leave dishes on the counter or succeed in fixing your toilet.)