A Psychoanalysis

My parents observed me dancing around the BET (Burn Evil Things) fire from their vantage point at the adjoining food fire and attempted a brief psychoanalysis.

They decided that I spent so much of my childhood wishing I were older–and now that I’m old, I’m now enjoying my childhood.

I prefer to think I’m now mature enough to not care how ridiculous I might look dancing wildly about a fire of burning paper.

Do you have any particularly child-like (or childish, depending on how you look at it) behaviors that you cling to? Why do you act that way?

BET photos are now available on my photos page, or view them directly here.

We closed out our evening with s’mores and singing around the cooking fire–and I was so nice as to record some of our singing for your enjoyment. (Please forgive the loudness of my own voice–I have yet to figure out how to avoid having my voice overshadow everything else when recording on my little camera!)

King of Kings sung in round.

Growing Up

I go through life, moving slowly along from childhood to adulthood, so quickly that I barely notice the time passing. Then one day I stop and find myself driving a car. Driving a car! Since when have I been old enough to do that? I am in control of a moving vehicle, capable of exacting horrible damage on anything it encounters. How did I get mature enough to do that? And I’m driving home, to where I live. Away from my parents’ house. I don’t live with my parents anymore. I’m an adult now. I’m wearing a business suit and pumps–and I’m not dressing up in Mom or Dad’s hand-me-downs. I’m an honest to goodness woman. I don’t have a child’s body anymore, I have a woman’s body. I’m not begging for a ride anymore-I’m in control of my own vehicle. I’m paying my own bills, signing my own papers. When I have a toothache, I can’t just tell Mom and she’ll get me an appointment. I need to make my own appointment. I buy my own clothes now. I wear makeup. When did I grow up? When did I become a woman? I’m not sure. Sometimes I wonder if I really have–I feel like a little girl playing house.