Simple Sunday: Nachos

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~Thankful for the Mexican leftovers our church sent us home with after the work day yesterday. Nachos are one of my favorite foods, but my frugal outlook rarely allows for a bag of tortilla chips (and topping the chips with gobs of shredded cheddar, like I prefer it, isn’t exactly easy on the wallet either!) Nonetheless, thanks to LCF, I have some nachos to munch on as I read blogs (trying to keep my mind off the fact that I’M TEACHING MY FIRST LAB TOMORROW!)

Tortilla chips and nacho cheese with beans

(Yeah, I know that doesn’t look the most appetizing–but it still tastes pretty good!)

Visit Davene at Life on Sylvan Drive for more Simple Sunday posts.

Simple Sunday: Food

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~Thankful for food. After 15 months of unemployment for Anna (12 of which were clinical rotations) and 7 months of unemployment for me (7 of which were clinical rotations), both of us are out of money. But even though we might not have money for things like milk or store-bought bread, we still have plenty of food left in our pantry or provided by my mother’s garden.

Pantry full of food

(Okay, I’m also thankful that my insurance settlement from the accident is February is coming this month and I’ll be employed starting next Monday. And I’m thankful that Anna has a job interview that sounds hopeful in a couple of weeks. God always provides!)

Visit Davene at Life on Sylvan Drive for more Simple Sunday posts.

Simple Sunday: A Clean Room

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~Thankful for a clean room. I haven’t had one in ages, partly due to the always expanding stack of papers I was bringing home from my internship. But now, with my internship done, I can make a clean sweep–and I did. There are now about 8 reams worth of paper in my garage awaiting recycling. (The rest is carefully filed for future reference.)

A Clean Bedroom

Visit Davene at Life on Sylvan Drive for more Simple Sunday posts.