Thankful Thursday: Settling into two towns

I’m starting to settle into my double-lives, I think. At least, bits and pieces are coming together to make this wild season of working two jobs in two different towns a bit more workable.

Thankful Thursday banner

Today I’m thankful…

…for the sweet, singing voices of the residents who’ve already become dear to me

…for the lab coat that covers the fact that I can rarely find shirts with long enough sleeves

…for the umbrella that I remembered to bring home from work–allowing me to use it this morning in the rain

…for the blanket under my fitted sheet that keeps the airbed from freezing me to death in the night!

…for the book club that has resumed, giving me something (one thing) other than work that I force myself to take a break for

…for the Bible study that has welcomed me as a half-dweller and sympathizes with my mixed emotions about becoming a full-dweller.

…for the God who graciously grants me each breath, each day, each person, each place.

I have been blessed beyond measure to have such a rich and full life.