Spoke too soon

We (just barely) fit ourselves into the Suburban for our trip to Hu-Hot for Timothy’s birthday (a month late).

Kids in back of Suburban
Kids in back of Suburban

I commented that people don’t count us anymore–we’re old enough that they just assume we’re a bunch of kids hanging out together. So after we’d been at the restaurant a while, our waitress comes up and asks us, “Are you all brothers and sisters?” And then turning to Mom she says, “So you had seven kids? Like in ‘Seventh Heaven’.”

I guess I spoke too soon.

1 thought on “Spoke too soon”

  1. On 04.08.09 – 7:04 am
    Becky@BoysRuleMyLife said:

    Did you guys get tired of people asking your mom, “Are they all yours?” I get asked this all the time when I have my 3 boys with me – I can’t imagine how many times your mom heard it! LOL!

    I love the pictures of y’all squished in the suburban! They don’t seem like much, but I think they’ll be photos to treasure… ya know?

    Thanks for joining my birthday carnival and introducing me to some of your family!!!


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