I’ve been working fervently behind the scenes to upgrade my website to version 6. My first order of business was redoing the About Me segment. Version 5 included selected items from my list of life goals–so I thought I’d expand that in version 6.
I’ve always known I had a lot of goals. I just didn’t quite get how many until I started recording them on a website–and discovered that I definitely couldn’t put them all on one page. Three pages still includes much too much scrolling. And those are only the easily categorized goals: Arts and Crafts, Educational, and Travel. That doesn’t include spiritual goals, health goals, homemaking goals–and the myriads of hard-to-classify goals.
I’ve removed the goals that I’ve categorized from my “master list” that I have been keeping for years on my computer. With those gone, my “master list” is ONLY 51 pages long. Amazing!
Are you a goal setter? Do we have any of the same goals? I’d love to work on them together! ;-)