Here´s wishing I didn´t do my own HTML

Mexican keyboards aren´t that incredibly different than American ones. The alphabet is all in the same places–with an ñ thrown in where the colon/semicolon should be. But the characters? All over the place. The dash that is ever present in my writing is located where the back slash should be–which means the back slash is up on the top line after the 0–which is also where the question mark is located. The semicolon is with the comma; the colon is with the period. The carats that open and close html script are located underneath the a–in the place where the shift key generally lies–the shift is shifted a bit over.

Why am I typing on a Mexican keyboard? I can hear you ask.

I am on a Mexican keyboard because a friend just happened to bring us a virus on his flash drive. It knocked out our laptop, leaving us computer-less. So I’m sitting in a Mexican “chat room” paying a whopping 10 pesos (1 dollar) an hour for the privilege of figuring out the Mexican keyboard.

I think it’s easier to just copy and paste my commands. It’s too much work to do anything else.

1 thought on “Here´s wishing I didn´t do my own HTML”

  1. On 08.11.08 – 8:05 am
    Casandra said:

    haha. you poor thing! That would be quite confusing! As I sit here and type all my letters and symbols on a standard Amercian keyboard. :-)

    I’m looking forward to your call tonight! I miss you! I especially missed you last night. Perhaps I will blog about it. But we’ll for sure chat about it when you call! Love you!


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