Who’d have thought?

Who’d have thought I’d ever be the one arguing for lower temperatures? Certainly not I.

But here I am, being the one to argue for keeping the thermostat low.

I was pretty warm with my sweater on, having just finished washing dishes and was now mopping the floor, when Anna walked into the room. “Do we have to keep the heat on 65? It’s cold in my room. And the window’s even closed.”

The thermostat was set at 65–but the actual temperature of the living room (the coldest room in the house) was 69. My room (upstairs) has been consistently temping at 72.

I am usually ALWAYS cold–but I haven’t really been uncomfortable at the temps in our house except when I’m sitting at the computer. That’s when my fingers start to feel like ice. Otherwise, I’ve got my socks and shoes (or slippers) on and my sweater slipped over the rest of the outfit. If I’m sitting reading, I have a throw or a quilt over me to keep me toasty warm. And when my fingers are feeling like ice at the computer? That just gives me a great excuse to grab a mug of hot tea.

I have an electric blanket to keep me warm at night–thanks to Anna, who acknowledged how cold I was last winter. And I bought a space heater for Casandra–who I know is also generally cold–so that she could keep her room warm while she’s in it. I just didn’t imagine that Anna would be the one complaining of the cold. (She’s generally too warm.)

Maybe I need to give her the space heater I’d intended for the living room. After all, we tend to only use the living room when we have lots of people over anyway–which means the ambient temperature rises pretty significantly anyway.

Anyway, so much for my musings. But who would have thought?

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