Thankful Thursday

Today I’m thankful…

For my bosses being sick
I was feeling much better by the time work rolled around yesterday (Thanks for caring). The office was empty when I arrived at 3–and a quick look around failed to reveal the assistant managers. So I grabbed my normal Wednesday papers to copy and ran downstairs to make the copies–only to find that the door was locked. I ran back upstairs to ask Janet what was going on–and she informed me that both assistant managers and the secretary were at home sick, “so if you don’t mind, you can manage tonight.”

If I don’t mind? You better bet I don’t mind. I love managing. I would do it every time I worked if I could.

It’s just too bad that their pain is my gain.

That the “Best By” Date on the milk doesn’t mean it’s bad
I bought a gallon of milk a week ago, when we a little less than a half gallon left. Unfortunately, the “Best By” date was yesterday and we didn’t go through it anywhere near as fast as we had been–Casandra had a cold so she wasn’t drinking much milk and I hadn’t made yogurt recently.

But thankfully, the milk was still good. Maybe not for drinking–but I still enjoyed in my oatmeal this morning, and as oyster stew for dinner. And after dinner, I made some quick cottage cheese. Yummy!

That I remembered today that my health program planning paper is due tomorrow
I don’t think I would have liked being surprised by that one tomorrow as I’m trying to get my costume in order.

That I’m finally getting somewhere on my seminar
It was driving me nuts! How many useless studies must I read before I can come up with something worth mentioning? But now I have some good solid direction–and I’ve even got stuff down on the computer. I’m down to two weeks now–but I think I might actually be able to make it.

That there’s a sale on iced tea at the Kwik shop down the street
Thursday’s my errand day, and I forgot to get the bottles of tea I need for our research project while I was at the grocery store. So I ran into the Kwik shop, grabbed the most convenient choices and went to check out. The cashier put down her cell phone and, with a “just a sec”, walked across to a different case and pulled some coupons off the wall. Two of my choices had 50 cent off coupons. So I bought four 20 oz teas for $3.50–which isn’t a bad deal if I do say so myself.

That the weather was gorge-o-u-s today
I went for a fifteen minute walk this morning–and had to ditch my coat halfway. I took another walk with my roommate this afternoon–with no coat needed. I sat on a bench in a sweet little hideaway by the Home Ec building in the hour between classes and read my Bible. I closed my eyes and drank in the sun, enjoying the wind rustling the paper-crisp leaves. I contemplated being still. Not an action but a state. Being still. Knowing God. So many loud voices about–a fire (truck full of buff guys), a whirlwind (of papers and assignments and projects), the (rumblings of a political) earthquake–but God’s voice speaks through a gentle whisper. A fire that warms and awakens and enlivens–the sun. A breeze that brushes me with awareness of His presence. The hum of His Spirit empowering me to carry on.

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