After a quick look at my finances this afternoon, I have decided that I will not be buying a house. Yet.
I’ll be quitting my job in about a month, preparing for my clinical rotations (during which I’ll be paying for the privilege of working full time.) My budget assessment revealed only about $500 of leeway for January through September 2009. Which isn’t a lot. So, I probably shouldn’t try adding anything more to it right off.
Instead I’ll be transferring all my loose change over to a slightly less accessible account for now–and playing frugal to eke out a bit more throughout my internship. Things always come up, you know–babysitting, professional patient gigs, part-time jobs, withheld income taxes returned, organ donation (JK on that last one). And I might have estimated a bit high on some of my expenses.
So with a bit of patience, a bit of prayer, and some serious penny-pinching, I should be ready to start looking next fall.
Ten years ago I said I wanted to own a house by age 25. I’ve let that dream/goal/whatever fall by the wayside in my pursuit of an advanced degree. Now, as the time draws near and I rapidly approach my mid-twenties, I think I might be getting close–it’s just not. quite. yet.