Angry and Elusive

I looked up from the table I’d been wiping to see that four male coworkers, and the male half of the one remaining couple left in the dining room, were staring at the tv screen. When I glanced towards the screen, what I saw had me race-walking to a remote to turn off the tvs.

I don’t know what makes tv producers think they can show naked women on television at 7:30 in the evening (or at any time for that matter), but whatever it is, they’re just plain wrong. I don’t care if they’re making a “mock-u-mentary” on Playboy bunnies–showing naked women is still not appropriate. I object on so many different levels. 1) Nudity (especially of the type I saw) should be classified as obscenity. It is inappropriate and vulgar. 2) The type of nudity that I saw (and that my male coworkers were glued to) objectifies females, reducing them to sex objects. This objectification is bad for both men and women–who find it increasingly difficult to have healthy views of their and others’ bodies, healthy attitudes towards sex, and healthy sexual relationships, partly due to this objectification. 3)
I saw this nudity on tv during “prime time”. Sure it may be cable, but don’t be so naive as to think that children don’t have access to cable tv at 7:30 in the evening.

No one–not adults, not children, not males, not females–should ever have to see such a thing on television.

I was still steaming about the nude playmate I’d just seen when a coworker asked me “How old are you, Rebekah?” Now realize, I’m not a very secretive person. My life is pretty much an open book. But today, and with this guy, I just really didn’t want to say. So I answered with an elusive “I’m in my mid-twenties.” “That’s about what I would have guessed,” he returned. “I’m not exactly a spring chicken myself.”

Yep, I’m sure you’re not. Nice try buddy, but that’s a strike out. I prefer mature men–and those who look away rather than look twice when a naked woman appears on a tv screen.

2 thoughts on “Angry and Elusive”

  1. On 11.20.08 – 1:22 pm
    Casandra said:

    That’s disgusting.
    Andy, my co-worker, is appalled that there is such a thing on during prime time. “They can’t do that!” =)

    And Bekah, you (we) aren’t in your (our) “mid-twenties” until 24. :-) So you have til March ;-)

  2. On 11.20.08 – 4:55 pm
    bekahcubed said:

    I can too claim mid-twenties. It all depends on how you think of it. For my part, I define “mid-twenties” as the range of midpoint (25) +/- 2 (which allows you to have 5 years in your mid-twenties–the same as are allowed for “early twenties” and “late twenties”.) Mid-twenties and early twenties (or late twenties) cannot be mutually exclusive unless mid-twenties is defined as the midpoint alone (i.e. 25).


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