For this and so much more, O Lord, I give You thanks

Busy, caught up in her own life, rushed about her business. The only time she comes to Him is when she has a problem. He solves her problem and she skips away, busy about the business of doing whatever she was at first–before He touched her.

I have been that girl too many times to count. But yesterday, I was reminded to be thankful through the story of the ten lepers healed by Christ. He healed ten, but only one, only ONE, returned to thank Him. And what a shame, that ONE was a samaritan. How shameful that the nine others, presumably of the chosen people, failed to thank the Chosen One, their long-awaited Messiah.

So, for once, I’m going to not complain about the weather or my back or whatever I might complain about. I’m going to take a while to return thanks.

Thank You, Lord…
…that I never lost my voice
…that my voice is almost back to normal
…that I was able to work consistently throughout this little cold
…for sunshine and wind and a ceiling fan for my room
…for roommates who cook and a friend who comes to quilt
…for dozens of pairs of shoes and opportunity to wear them
…for thirteen flights of stairs and the comfortable joy of feeling my body grow stronger
…for a mind to read charts, an ear to hear my patient’s needs, and a gentle reminder to offer more than just physical food
For these things and so much more, O Lord, I give You thanks.

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