Thankfullest Thursday: Family

Today I’m thankful for the amazing family God has blessed me with–and the fantastic day I was able to spend with them.

I’m thankful for…

  • A table full of all my favorite foods
  • A dinner-table discussion of the laws of thermodynamics (okay, so we’re all nerds)
  • Fun songs on the improvised radio on the way to clean the church
  • A quick church cleaning expedition-in which we got all the vacuuming done in record time, to the sounds of rock on the overhead, John singing “Figaro”, and Dad singing “Scrub another toilet, scrub a toilet next to you…”
  • A relaxing afternoon reading and watching my brothers “Dance Praise”–da da da, da da-da-da DAH.
  • A lesson in internet stalking from my father, the master–although I’m a halfway decent pupil :-)
  • More good food with my aunt and uncle and their crew
  • A great discussion on the proper place for prophesy, the Biblical definition of prophesy, the state of education in the state of California, fraud in major ministries, the Bible answer man, and the politics of global warming.
  • A new name for the Daniel-Debbie phenomenon (still upset that he hasn’t given her a ring yet). We’re calling them “Danby” (a la Support Your Local Sheriff) instead of the earlier “Debuel”.
  • A satisfactory conclusion to the question “How are we getting to Aunt Martha’s tomorrow?”
  • A family debate over the name for Mom’s new car. Wanna weigh in? Top contenders are the “Maroon Prune” or the “Burgundy Bomb”. Let me know what you think.

For this and so much more, O Lord, I give Thee thanks.

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