Thankful Thursday: Bits and Pieces

Today I’m thankful…

  • For ends and beginnings
    • Finishing my last grading for the semester
    • Packing up the lab in preparation for next semester with Joyce
    • Getting close to done with my last couple of classes (some papers written–still some more to go)
    • Almost done with a couple of good books (due back tomorrow so I’d better be almost done
    • About to embark on an adventure that scares me and excites me at the same time
  • For friends and Menter’s (pun intended)
    • A heart to heart with my mom while baking Christmas cookies yesterday
    • Lunch with Grace (grilled cheese and tomato soup) and help with packing this afternoon
    • Dinner with Rodney and Malinda and then quilting with Malinda this evening
  • For unexpected blessings
    • Being able to get out of my on-street parking after packing this afternoon
    • Having a bright sun-shiny day despite the cold
    • Getting all the lab reports graded today
    • Having Malinda call and invite me to dinner and quilting
  • For the limitless love of Christ
    • He knows me better than I know myself
    • He cares for me better than I could ever care for myself
    • He guides me into things better than I could ever dream of myself

Thank You, Lord, for Your unending love. Thank You for Your mercies that are new each morning. Thank You that You are entirely trustworthy. I give You my life–I am Yours.

1 thought on “Thankful Thursday: Bits and Pieces”

  1. I love you! I am thankful for our friendship and everything that it does and doesn’t entail. I am so blessed that I get to watch God work in your life.
    Here’s to the ride! :-)


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