Book Review: “The Stunning Science of Everything” by Nick Arnold and Tony de Saulles

Got a child (or a father) who’s crazy about science? The Stunning Science of Everything: Science with the squishy bits left in might be just the book for you.

Stunning Science is filled with hard-core science (chemistry, physics, biology, astronomy, cosmology, geology, and more) delivered in a seriously fun way. Stunning Science includes comic strips, quiz shows, letters home, and some crazy amazing recipes.

Check out this first recipe for a hydrogen atom:
(Ingredients and extra notes omitted to avoid overly plagiarizing!)

  1. Preheat your universe to 10 billion degrees Centigrade and set off Big Bang
  2. Mix in the quarks and stir well.
  3. Cook the quarks for a split second until the strong force glues them together to make a proton. Be careful–if you mix two up quarks and one down quark you’ll be making a neutron by mistake!
  4. Cool slowly for 380,000 years, add an electron and serve.

If you haven’t figured out yet, this book is Big-Bang friendly. In fact, the Big Bang is probably found in half of the layouts. Those who are uncomfortable with the Big Bang might find this a bit too much. As for myself, I am pleased to see the topic addressed in a matter of fact way with good explanations of the implications of the big bang to life (creation of matter, heat, etc.) The big bang is currently the best theory for the origins of the Universe, and it clearly affirms the doctrine of creatio ex nihilo (creation from nothing). I am pleased to see a children’s science book focusing on this, rather than, say, evolution.

Speaking of evolution…this title includes the obligatory spread or two on evolution, but I found the coverage of evolution to be remarkably understated. While parents would want to talk openly with their kids about what the children are reading, I don’t think the inclusion of the couple of spreads on evolution should be reason to not select this book.

I was most impressed with the science found in this book–and how remarkably accurate and detailed the information is. Stunning Science doesn’t water down the facts or give simplistic explanations. It says science the way it is. My dad, on the other hand, was impressed by the humour found in this book. This title is absolutely comical. From word-play to geeky humour to occasional “bad guy gets bad stuff” and the more common bathroom humour, this book is packed with puns and more that’ll keep kids (and fathers) laughing out loud as they learn.

Rating: 4 Stars
Category: Children’s Science
Summary:A quick and humorous science of everything, from the tiny atom to the enormous universe and everything in between.
Recommendation: This title is a great bet for science-loving kids (or kids at heart). Parents might want to preview it before buying, though, to determine whether the Big Bang cosmology, discussion of evolution, and bathroom humor are within their standards of acceptability.

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