My secret(?) life

My life is pretty much an open book. Anyone is free to read however much they like.

Case in point?

I’m a blogger.

Do I really need to say more?

But honestly, I share the events of my life, the thoughts of my head, the longings of my heart, and my journey with Christ within this blog. Body, soul, and spirit–you get it all right here on bekahcubed.

Well, mostly.

You can see quite a lot of me here. But I don’t share everything. Some things, I keep a little more hidden.

Did you know that I like stalking people online? Well, I do.

**Disclaimer: I don’t stalk in a creepy way, really!**

I like to read people’s blogs. I like to see what they’ve written and what’s been written about them. I like to see their Facebook pages. I like to see their wall-to-wall’s with their friends (even if those friends aren’t also my friends.)

**Disclaimer: I don’t do this all the time, honest. But when somebody comments on somebody else’s status and the comment intrigues me, it’s fun to click on the little wall-to-wall link and see the entire conversation.**

I don’t have any problem with people internet-stalking me right back. I have made no attempt to hide myself in the online world. Google “bekahcubed” and you’ll get me–a whole bunch of me. You’ll see my blog, yes, but you’ll also see the other blogs I’ve commented on. You’ll likely see old message board posts from my early high school days. You’ll see an awful lot.

But if you’re a friend of a friend but not my friend yourself, you won’t see any wall-to-walls on Facebook. I only let my friends see what I put on Facebook.

I love it when other people do the friend of a friend thing. I really enjoy reading my friends’ back-and-forths with others. But I’m keeping my Facebook life secret, thank you very much.

Why do I have this secret(?) life?

Actually, that’s kind of a funny question. I have it because I teach at the same University I graduated from. I have siblings and friends in the same University I teach at.

And undoubtedly, some of my friends are friends with my students.

I don’t have a problem with letting my students see my life–but something has to be private. I have to have somewhere where I can tear out my hair about grading or rage about something or the other related to the University without my students hearing.

I’m very cautious, even on my private Facebook account, to never share anything that would make someone else look bad. I’m not griping about students on Facebook. But it’s good to have just one place where not just anyone can access–where I can unload about my overflowing e-mail inbox or my embarrassment over a personal classroom bungle without crossing student/teacher boundaries.

Yes, it’s a small thing, but I’ve got to have SOMETHING that’s kept secret.

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