Personal Medical Adviser

A Facebook message to my sister sent rather early this morning:

Anatomy Question:
Just wondering–what organs/things of interest might be found immediately inferior to the left costal margin, almost on the side of the body? I woke up this morning feeling a weird knob down there. I tried to see if there was something comparable on the right side, but couldn’t identify anything similar.

A text conversation around 10am:

Spleen. Do you have mono?

Maybe. Dunno. Heh.

Are you tired and do you have lymph nodes? Is the lump painful?

Not tired anymore than I have been for most of the semester.

Noticed lymph nodules a week ago. Currently unspectacular.

No pain unless I poke it or lie on it funny. Then only mild discomfort.

Sounds like mono to me

Nice. Do I do something about it or just sit tight?


The delights of having a personal medical adviser available by phone, e-mail, Facebook, or text. Disadvantage? Since she’s related, she can’t actually diagnose or treat me (and, of course, a diagnosis might require a bit more than a text conversation–like actually seeing me, perhaps.)

So I’d have to go to a non-related healthcare provider if I wanted a real diagnosis.

But since my medical adviser says “Eh” (and I’m beginning a vacation/thesis work summer), I’ll hold off on seeing a doctor just yet–and proceed to give my sister medical power of attorney as planned.

Addendum: Now if I could just stop poking that little knobby, I might feel just fine!

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