Recap (May 9-15)

On bekahcubed

Book Reviews:

  • 703: How I lost more than a quarter ton and gained a life by Nancy Makin

    “The title, or actually the subtitle, was more than enough inducement for me to grab 703: How I lost more than a quarter ton and gained a life off the new books shelf at the library. As a reader and a Registered Dietitian, I am curious about people’s weight-loss stories. This story of a morbidly obese, 703 pound woman and her weight loss sounded fascinating.”

  • Convergence: Spiritual Journeys of a Charismatic Calvinist by Sam Storms

    “I knew Sam Storms from a book of his that I bought at a library book sale. One Thing: Developing a Passion for the Beauty of God is a defense of Christian Hedonism recommended by no less than John Piper himself, who proclaims on the front cover that “Sam Storms is right.” The book (One Thing) is well-written and theologically insightful–and Storms is referenced by the Reformed “thinking” bloggers I enjoy so much–so I was inclined to think well of Storms. Then I heard that he was a charismatic–and had written a book about it. I knew I had to read it.”

On the web

News to take note of:

  • Addiction tied to women’s menstrual cycles:

    “A woman’s perception of other kinds of rewards—such as money, food and sex—may also vary during her menstrual cycle. In a 2007 study researchers at the NIH scanned women’s brains using functional MRI as the women played slot-machine games. They found that women’s reward circuitry was more active when they won jackpots during the estrogen-governed phase of their cycles than during the progesterone-infused phase that follows. The ebb and flow of female hormones could thus have broad effects on the perception of pleasures and incentives, influencing women’s motivation to engage in a wide variety of behaviors.”

Thought-provoking posts:

  • According to a Wyoming sailor, saying Obama is spending money like a drunken sailor is unfair:

    “I object and take exception to everyone saying that Obama and Congress are spending money like a drunken sailor. As a former drunken sailor, I quit when I ran out of money.”

    HT: Twenty-Two Words

Videos worth seeing:

  • Even squirrels (evil beasts) can be used to bring God glory.
  • HT: 22 Words

  • Go, Wayne Grudem! (I’m a real fan.)

    HT: Desiring God

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