Thankful Thursday: Don’t Hafta

Today I’m thankful that I don’t hafta finish my to-do list

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I’m thankful…

…that when my plans to finish my dress are derailed by the realization that I need to whip up another baby quilt–STAT–it’s okay to leave the dress for another day

…that when I discover that the person I was hoping to get into contact with is out of town on vacation, it’s okay to leave the call until next week

…that when my heart is too full of prayer requests and I end up praying while vacuuming instead of listening to an audiobook, it’s okay to finish the audiobook some other time

…that when I wake up to rain that precludes any possibility of a bike ride, it’s okay to skip another day (I’ve only recently gotten back on my bike after the disastrously busy final few weeks of school.)

…that when I forget to ask about when that human trafficking talk is and learn only after I’ve already arranged to do something else, it’s okay to not go

I’m thankful that my to-do list is a tool for me to use, not a taskmaster to use me.

I’m also thankful…

…that I was able to get some quality work done on my thesis

…that I was able to dust and vacuum the living room (including getting all of those infernal Japanese beetles from the corners–I’ve been lazy and not been getting out the hose to take care of them. But now, they are gone!)

…that I was able to whip together a quilt top (and even discovered that I had some fabric that I can use for backing–so I didn’t have to purchase more!)

…that I was able to spend some quality time with my dad and my brother this evening

I’m thankful that my worth is not based on what I do or do not do, but that God in His mercy allows me such a rich and full life.

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