My family is rather fond of MGM’s classic musical “7 Brides for 7 Brothers”–and some of our favorite parts are the dances.
Unfortunately, we are all about as couth as the Pontipee brothers were when it comes to dancing (at least of the couples variety.)
Well, with a wedding coming up in less than a week, this big sister decided that something needed to be done. Our boys would be able to dance at this wedding. Maybe they won’t be perfect, but they’ll at least be able to give it a go on the dance floor.
So, like Millie, I gathered together a group for a little living room dance action.
Joanna (my soon-to-be-outlaw) got some instructional videos from the library she works at. I arranged to have enough girls to be partners to all my strapping brothers (4 plus a soon-to-be-outlaw plus an almost family member made six). We cleared all the furniture out of my parents’ family room and scooted the sofas aside in the adjacent living room (with windows that look into the family room.) We put the instructional video in and got to dancing.

While I only have pictures of a few dancers, we ended up having seven couples (including my mom and dad) dancing along. We got some basic ballroom dancing down (waltzish stuff) so that those of us who won’t have romantic partners present can have something to do during those slow songs when the couples are clutching and holding (Gag!) And, of course, we took some breaks for hilarious renditions of the hokey-pokey, a can-can kick line, and the electric slide.
All in all, it was a great time.
Bummer we had to wait ’til so late to discover our family’s innate love of dancing! :-)
HEY! I want a crash course Wednesday night! I have always wanted to learn the electric slide….
Me too!!!
Aww–no kidding!
You’ll have to have John teach you the waltzing and stuff. He’s really pretty good (except that he takes GINORMOUS steps.)
And the electric slide? Why, no problem whatsoever!
This is GREAT! Thanks for putting a big smile on my face. :)
;D That sounds like SO much fun! haha!
I LOVE waltzing – when done right it feels like you are flying.
I’m glad the boys decided to try dancing. It was the most fun I’ve had in a long time! :)