In which Rebekah rolls out a new layout…

and stays up way too late.

Introducing bekahcubed version 10.

This is my first design adjustment since I switched to using WordPress and reformatted all my static pages to use php for ease of reformatting.

I have to say that I’m LOVING how easy php makes the design process (and how my design skills might actually be reaching passable levels.)

It took me somewhere between 12 and 48 hours to create each template for my first half-dozen or so designs. Thanks to finally reaching some level of proficiency with CSS and HTML, it took me about four hours to create and troubleshoot this design.

Pre-PHP, it took me at least an hour a day for several months to completely switch over my site to a new design. Today, thanks to PHP, it took me three minutes.

Yep, I’m definitely liking the PHP.

Now, had I just started the process a bit earlier, I might be in good shape. As it is, I had REALLY better get to bed. I’ve got nursery duty at church and I best not be late!

Please let me know what you think of the new layout–and give me suggestions for how I might make bekahcubed even more user-friendly. I’d also appreciate your letting me know if you find any bugs. I vetted the site fairly thoroughly in Firefox, cursorily in IE, and not at all in Safari. So I covet your feedback!

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