Trust and obey, for there’s no other way
to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.
When God says “Do”, I find it easy to obey. Sure, I still need to trust, to step forward, to deal with my fears in the doing. But “doing” is easy.
When God says “Stay”, I find it hard to obey. Here, trusting is the action He wants me to take. It’s unavoidable. It’s terrifying.
To trust when there’s nothing I should do.
To trust when there’s nothing I can do.
To fully place my life in His hands when He isn’t telling me where He’s going–or in that case, that He’s even going somewhere.
To trust Him in the monotony of a day-to-day, seemingly aimless existence.
I beg Him for something to do.
“What am I going to do, Lord?” I cry.
He answers: “Trust.”
“Give me something to do–then I can trust. Give me a task, something to keep my mind and hands occupied.”
“Trust,” He replies.
And so I travel down one of the most difficult paths of my life: Trusting when there’s no other word to obey.
(= I’m proud of you. I know it’s hard, but God has a GOOD plan. Not just a plan, a GOOD plan.
I love you, friend!