Recap (July 11-17)

On bekahcubed

Book Reviews:

  • Maid to Match by Deeanne Gist

    “Tillie’s mother has been preparing her to be a lady’s maid for her whole life. When the amazingly rich Vanderbilts make their home in the neighborhood, Tillie sees her chance. She quickly advances to the position of head parlormaid–and is one of two who are selected to train to be Mrs. Vanderbilt’s maid when her current French maid leaves.”

    Read the rest of my review

  • Superhuman by Robert Winston and Lori Oliwenstein

    “At any rate, without a handy medical library in the room next door, I find myself frequenting the Dewey Decimal 600s at the library. I want to hear about the newest technologies, the latest drugs, the fascinating areas of research. I want to learn about arcane diseases and medical anomalies.

    Superhuman fits the bill perfectly.

    This photo-filled glossy book is packed full of information about new technologies attempting to use the body’s innate repair systems to prolong and improve life. With chapters on trauma, transplants, cancer, infectious diseases, and human reproduction, Superhuman covers a wide swath of the medical sciences.

    Read the rest of my review

On the web

Books for the TBR list:

  • A Severe Mercy by Sheldon Vanauken
    Lisa’s first paragraph was enough of a hook to know that I HAD to read this book:

    “It’s an unusually strong love story.
    It’s true.
    It begins with a man and a woman.
    It ends with a man and his God.”

Projects to try:

  • Bike Powered USB Charger
    Gotta love this fantastic DIY project. I totally wanna try it. What a better project for a DIY, Eco-Geek, Techno-Nerd like myself? (Okay, it actually looks a bit technical and expensive for me–but still pretty cool.)
    HT: Evangelical Outpost

Videos worth seeing:

  • It’s not exactly brain-surgery, is it? I love these guys!

    HT: The Thinklings

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