Thankful Thursday: Untitled

I haven’t forgotten that today’s a Thursday, no matter how much I manage to make it appear so. I’ve been busy. “Busy with what?” you might ask. Good question. I’ve been busy with the same old, same old, I guess.

See-sawing. Trying to keep busy. Learning to trust. Learning to rest. Learning not to worry. Trying somehow to spend time with people. And remembering that I have much to be thankful for.

Today I’m thankful…

…for the opportunity to be a blessing.

Thank You, Lord, for the opportunity to care for Abigail and Joseph this week. Thank You for the opportunity to lend my car to my brother and his wife for the day today. Thank You that Jamie would want me to be a role model for her daughter. Thank You that even in my weakness, You can still use me to bless others.

…for friendships far and near.

Thank You, Lord, for the friends I spent time with today–one in person and one via phone. Thank You for the precious friends from my past who I am blessed to re-establish relationships with. Thank You for the new friends I’ve made in book club, the friends who so encourage my heart, my mind, my soul. Thank You for my blogging friends, who comfort and encourage with kind words. Thank You for Joanna, for Anna, for Tiffany, for Ruth, for Annette, for Janet, for Sandra, for Kristi, for Chad, for the Jasons, for Brian and Emily… Thank You for the people You have brought into my life, by whom I am so blessed.

…for peace that goes beyond my circumstances.

O Lord, I recognize that worry and anxiety accomplish nothing–yet so often, I choose to worry rather than entrusting my life to You. Forgive me for my unbelief–my sin of not trusting in Your sovereignty, not believing in Your goodness. As I look back over my life thus far, there has never been a time that You have been unfaithful–yet I still so often question Your faithfulness for tomorrow. Forgive me, Lord, for not trusting, not believing, not surrendering my worries to You. I choose to surrender them today, this moment and every moment of my life if I have to. I want to know the sweetness of trusting in Jesus. I believe–help my unbelief.

Thankful Thursday banner

‘Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,
Just to take Him at His word
Just to rest upon His promise
Just to know ‘thus saith the Lord’

Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him!
How I’ve proved Him o’er and o’er
Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus
O for grace to trust Him more

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