Thankful Thursday: A Lazy Day

Thankful for a Lazy Day before everything goes crazy!

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And for the crazy stuff coming shortly that makes the lazy enjoyable!

Today I’m thankful…

…for a good night’s sleep (it’s been awhile)

…for laundry that seems to getting done more quickly than usual

…for sitting down with a fun book (expect a review of The Homeschool Liberation League in the upcoming weeks)

…for eating potato chips (yep, I bought myself some yesterday–it’s almost becoming a monthly or so habit as my family get more and more concerned about my declining weight.)

…for leftover pumpkin cake from my sister-in-law’s birthday “celebration” (aka normal-Wednesday-night-hanging-out-at-McDonalds-except-that-Rebekah-brought-cake)

…for rain and thunder and green, green grass

…for a chance to spend time with my good friend Joanna on Friday (between her vacation and my starting back up to school and her starting a new job, we haven’t spent time together for at least a MONTH!)

…for a birthday celebration for my Grandma happening on Saturday

…for a family get-away scheduled for Sunday and Monday

…for the lab I’ll be teaching on Tuesday (I always enjoy doing beverages)

…for an interview for a job I’d really like to get on Wednesday (If they were to consider me their best candidate, they’re willing to wait to have me start until January, when my other commitments are over)

…for the job I’ll be starting on Thursday

And that brings me to next week’s Thankful Thursday!

I am thankful for the full life that God has given me to enjoy–and for the empty moments found here and there throughout.

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