WiW: Chosen Days, Sleep-filled Nights

The Week in Words

Kerry and Chris Shook were referring to family when they wrote the words:

“But the truth is, just because you didn’t choose them, it doesn’t mean they weren’t chosen.”
~from Love at Last Sight

Even if they were referring to family, the statement holds true in a variety of settings.

“Just because you didn’t choose your coworkers, it doesn’t mean they weren’t chosen [by God].”

“Just because you didn’t choose your location, it doesn’t mean your location wasn’t chosen [by God].”

“Just because you didn’t choose this specific life course, it doesn’t mean this wasn’t chosen [by God].”

The truth is, God is sovereign.

And His sovereignty means that nothing is an accident.

The people in my life are not an accident. The situations I deal with are not an accident. My energy level and when I wake up in the morning is not an accident.

And this should give me great freedom. It should encourage me to embrace every terrifying, wonderful, difficult relationship and circumstance.

It should lead me to surrender night-time dreams and live day-time ones:

“I used to spend my nights dreaming about the life I wanted to live. Now I live my dreams, and I spend my nights sleeping.”
~Dan Ogden

That’s what I want to do, starting now.

I want to sleep nights (something I haven’t had the most success at lately)–and I want to LIVE my days.

I want to truly live them. Not just get through them.

If my days are appointed by the God of the universe, foreordained by His sovereign hand, then I want to live each one of those days, every foreordained moment to the fullest.

I want to suck the marrow out of life, and rest at night knowing that I have made the most of the times God has given to me.

Don’t forget to take a look at Barbara H’s meme “The Week in Words”, where bloggers collect quotes they’ve read throughout the week.

7 thoughts on “WiW: Chosen Days, Sleep-filled Nights”

  1. I have to admit, “sucking the marrow out of life” sounds more nauseating than inspiring to me because of the word picture it brings to mind — my mind is too literal, I guess. :-) But I know what you mean.

    I had to come to grips with this principle when as a new Christian I sorely wished I had been raised in a Christian family — once I realized God put me in that family, it changed my outlook completely.

  2. No accidents. “And this should give me great freedom.”

    Yes! It’s taking me a long time to “get” this (and I still waver), but when I do grasp it, it is indeed very freeing. It opens me up to living, not controlling.

    Great post!

  3. You’ve inspired me. I finally got around to doing a WiW post today! :)

    But about this quote you posted – wow, how convicting! My selfish, childish side wants to say, “But I want to choose!” Thanks for helping my selfless, mature side trust more fully in God’s choices for my life.

  4. I really like the quote by Dan Ogden. I am going to share this with a little old lady who seems to be very depressed lately. I really think it will encourage her. Every God ordained moment she is living in she should live it to the MOSTEST!!! (LOL) Thanks for sharing!


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