Thankful Thursday:Material Desires

Now that I’ve written a manifesto (of sorts) on the differences between wants and needs, I must tell you that I have been blessed not only with all that I need–but with many of those unnecessary but desired material things.

Just now, in fact, I drove up to my house (after a long day of going-to-Grand-Island-and-working/driving-into-Lincoln-for-a-dentist-appointment/”borrowing”-my-parents-wireless-internet-for-some-extra-work/driving-back-to-Columbus) to find the following stacked next to my garage door.

Boxes stacked by door

This week, I’m thankful for…

…a new computer
I don’t really need a computer at all, much less a new one. But here in boxes on my doorstep are a new case, motherboard, processor, and memory cards. With my less-than-a-year-old hard drive and CD/DVD burner, I’ll have a new computer for a not so shabby price.

…a new printer
Especially now that I’m no longer a student, a printer is definitely not on my needs list. Yet I found a great deal on a new laser printer and had money in my bank account to cover it.

…a new camera
Whether I like to believe it or not, a camera truly is a luxury. Yes, I’d told myself that I wasn’t going to buy another camera until I could buy a DSLR. I determined to just keep on fixing my oft-used-and-abused Kodak EasyShare. I spoke of time running out, of the EasyShare going to bite the dust any day. But the truth is, the EasyShare still hasn’t bit the dust–and even if it had, I could have done without. I don’t need a camera. Nevertheless, the box that came for me today contained the much-longed-for, long-saved-for DSLR.

That’s what came in my boxes.

Thankful Thursday banner

But I’ve been blessed materially beyond the boxes.

I’m also thankful for…

Kane my Citizen II (bicycle)
I could just walk or drive my car everywhere I go. But I am blessed with an awesome bicycle complete with fenders and panniers (so I can carry all my junk along with me and not get dirty!)

…my lovely sewing machine
I could sew by hand or not sew at all. But my sewing machine enables me to rapidly put together a baby quilt for my soon-to-arrive little nephew or niece and to get to know some wonderful young ladies who I’m teaching to sew.

…plenty of material
It’s been two weeks since I got all that uber-cheap fabric, so it’s now out of its bags, washed, and ready to be used. I’ve got yards and yards of material, obtained at a very low price.

Not only have I been blessed with everything I need, and with all the spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus–I’ve also been blessed with an abundance of my material desires.

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