Nah-nia Time: Take 3

Chronicles of Narnia Reading ChallengeI’ve participated in Carrie’s Chronicles of Narnia Reading Challenge since it began two years ago–and I’m excited to jump on board again this year.

In year one, I read The Magician’s Nephew, mining it for “greatness”.

I came up with the following:

Last year, I read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe and James Stewart Bell’s Inside “The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe”. I was reading John Stott’s The Cross of Christ at the same time and found some interesting thoughts in there that I connected to Lion/Witch/Wardrobe:

Last year, I had a couple of biographies of Lewis that I didn’t finish in time for the wrap-up post, but that I did eventually get finished:

This year, I’m planning to continue on with my reading of The Chronicles with The Horse and His Boy. I also picked up a children’s picture book version of one of the Narnia tales and another biography of Lewis. (I’m not sure whether I’ll finish the biography. I’ve already started it and it’s dreadfully dull. But even if I don’t end up finishing it, I’m sure I’ll give you my thoughts!)

In addition, since I think of 2nd Chapter of Acts’ “The Roar of Love” album every time I think of the Chronicles of Narnia Reading Challenge, I figured I’d share a couple of songs with you:

Have a great weekend–and don’t forget to drop by Carrie’s to sign up for this year’s Chronicles of Narnia Reading Challenge.

3 thoughts on “Nah-nia Time: Take 3”

  1. I just picked up a copy of The Narnian. Not sure whether or not I’ll get to it in time for the challenge or if I will throw it on my “need to read this SOON (but-wait-for-months)” pile.

    I actually bought that 2nd Chapter of Acts CD based on another bloggers memories of it. I listened to it and then sent it on to her.=D I thought the songs were kinda amusing.

    You always contribute interesting and thought-provoking posts for this challenge so I can’t wait to read what you come up with and discover! Thanks for playing with me. =)

  2. Ahem. I am the other blogger upon whose memories/recommendation Carrie bought that album (and then she did indeed pass it along to me!). I’m off to peruse some of your links–particularly the biography reviews, to see if that’s something I wish to tackle this month!

  3. I enjoyed perusing a couple of these links, particularly the one about the cross satisfying the devil’s demands. He wasn’t the one that required blood. Our son’s youth pastor mentioned this a while back and I was amazed it hadn’t occurred to me that that part of the illustration was a little off.


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