Thankful Thursday: Church Every Day

Y’all are savvy enough to know that “church” isn’t a building. And I think you’re also savvy enough to know that “church” isn’t a service that’s held once or twice or more times a week (depending on the size and/or ardor of a particular congregation.)

You know that the “church” is the collection of those called out to Christ from around the world–and that the local church is a smaller subset of the universal church that gathers together for God’s glory and their own mutual encouragement.

Well, for my part, I’m thankful for the church–for Highland Park Evangelical Free particularly, and for this wonderful group of people I have the opportunity to live life on life with.

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This week I’m thankful for…

Friday’s coffee shop

Listening as Lori and Jenna played and sang. Sharing computer stories with Eric and Cathy. Laughing with Ruth, Anna, and Laurie. Letting the little girl I’d just met “teach” me how to play “Farkle” (using rules she’d made up on the spot.) Jon’s gracious agreement to take my bike home in the back of his truck. Watching JTT from the comfort of the potato–laughing as one person after another jumped during the “scary” parts of the movie.

Saturday’s Zoo Expedition

Driving down and chatting with Paige. Pictures of lions and tigers and bears. Gorilla’s giving their best “Blue Steel” impression. Bats in the basement and traversing a swamp.

Sunday’s service and Party with the Pastors
Not enough time for steaks at my house. Find a way to make the time work. Chinese, Doozy’s? How ’bout party with the pastors? We’ve only been to the “newcomer’s” party a half dozen times. How long can we milk the “new in town” story (since even I have been here nine months)? Jacqueline is new. Truly new. So of course we should party with the pastors–we’ll just go along as “moral support.”

Monday’s Contentment Conversation
Chilling in Anna’s room. Chatting while I try yet again to make my computer work. Challenging me to humble myself and ask for help. Conversing about Contentment on our way through The Greener Grass Conspiracy.

Wednesday’s Interview
Meeting Rachel. Meeting Cindy. Sharing my stories. Hearing their affirmation. Passing the child protection process. Preparing for girls to stay with me.

Wednesday’s “Bible Study”
Hugs from Jana. Hilarious Stories. Pranking Pastor Justin. Better than crack brownies. Hearing each others lives. Laughing a lot. Loving our girls (and Pastor Justin and Jana.)

Thursday’s Sewing Time
Cutting out dresses. Sewing on yo-yos. Discussing books and football and zoos. Companionable silence. Scissors swishing. Enjoying just being with Taylor.

I can’t even imagine what my life would be like without this church, without these people. They have encouraged me, challenged me, become a part of my everyday life.

I am so thankful for each one of them–for Anna and Ruth and Beth and Jacqueline and Paige and Jasmine and Jenna and Laurie and Jana and Justin and Jon and Kathy and Cathy and Erik and Taylor and…the list goes on and on.

Mostly, I’m thankful for God, for the wonderful thing He did when He put together the church, His body–and the church at Highland Park particularly.

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