Do you remember when I first mentioned building myself a new computer?
I’m not sure when I first mentioned it, but I do know when I ordered my parts.
The last weekend in May. Memorial Day.
And now, three and a half months later, I finally have a working computer.
This week I’m thankful for…
…my extended family for letting me crash the 4th of July with my computer.
…Daniel for lending me an OS disk after mine got ruined, and for regularly checking up on the computer’s progress (or lack thereof)
…Anna for being remarkably long-suffering with my use of her laptop and trashing of the family room (what with all my boxes of components–and the components themselves–all about.)
…Ruth for lending me her computer for a couple weeks in the interim
…Spousanomics for teaching me about loss aversion (and making me willing to cut my losses and just buy a new pre-built)
…Mom for listening to me reason it all out and counseling me that yes it would be wise for me to just buy a new computer
…the Best Buy guy for believing me when I said that, yes, I was familiar with computers and, yes, I did know how to change out components.
…Jon for lending me a program to recover my files from one of the corrupted hard disks
…Erik for lending me a IDE to SATA adapter so I could transfer said files to my new computer
…God for being immutible, unchanging, faithful, reliable–unlike computers.