Thankful Thursday: Here at last

Thankful Thursday bannerLast Thursday, the long awaited state-surveyors arrived.

I was thrilled that they left at a decent hour, allowing me (some) time to get to Lincoln in time for Gracie’s show choir concert. I made it by the middle of the first song (although I did have to break out the inhaler to get my breathing under control after my mad sprint up the school hill.)

This week has been a rather odd one, what with staying at a hotel in Grand Island and having state there every day.

This week I’m thankful…

…that I made it to Grace’s concert
Gracie did a fantastic job with her solo and looked wonderful in her glittery duds.

…that state takes MLK Jr. Day off
Their day off meant I got to spend Monday in one of my other facilities (the one I’m usually in three days a week), making sure I don’t get too far behind there.

…for a celebration of Hazel’s life (and a veritable old church reunion.)
Hazel was a special lady who touched many lives. I was proud to stand with so many old friends and celebrate her exodus into glory.

…for state leaving at a decent hour every single day
I’m used to staying in the facility from a half hour before breakfast is served to a half hour after supper is served. These surveyors have taken off by five every evening.

…for some productive trouble-shooting during the long wait that can be state
A dietitian’s work during state survey comes in fits and spurts. We’re crazy busy in the lead up to meal service and directly after service–and don’t necessarily have much to do at all during the in-between times. Myself and my consultant dietitian (with our dietary manager’s input, of course) were able to come up with what we think is a good plan for long-term staffing.

…for residents that make me smile
Some residents can be definite characters, but I love them. I love the happy announcements of some: “Rebekah, I lost weight this week!” or “I followed that advice you gave me and cut out snacking and put LOTS of vegetables on my Subway sandwich–and I think it’s working!” I love the compliments of others: “You do a good job” or “That bean soup was excellent” or even “Thanks for switching that snack for me.” My favorite is the one I received during lunch service, though: “I hope state sticks around for a long time, ’cause I like having you around.” I appreciate the sentiment, although I can’t help vigorously hoping the opposite.

…for finally figuring out how to turn on the heat in my hotel room
The unit had a little tester button thing on its power cord (like you see on a hairdryer). Once I figured out that that had been tripped, I got heat immediately. Unfortunately, my room reached 60 degrees before I figured it out (on morning #2 of my stay). Now, though, I’m nice and toasty.

…for being able to go HOME after state leaves today
It’s been interesting making my home in a hotel this week, but I’m still a real homebody at heart. I’m eager to be home in my own bed, with my books all about me, my fridge stocked full, and my craft supplies ready for whenever a yen hits.

2 thoughts on “Thankful Thursday: Here at last”

  1. I hate those little tester cords and buttons. We have them on a couple of outlets in the bathroom plus the hair dryers. It’s odd they’d have one on the heater, but I’m glad you figured it out. I’m a homebody, too. I used to think staying in a hotel would be exciting, but there’s no place like home. Though it is nice to have someone else make the bed and pick up wet towels and such. :-) And I get a break from cooking and dishwashing if we’re at a hotel.


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