Thankful Thursday: Done

Thankful Thursday bannerIs anyone else sick and tired of hearing me talk about “state”?

Heaven knows I’m tired of talking about state.

But, in God’s great mercy, they are gone.

This first survey of the year is done.

This week I’m thankful…

…for state’s Fridays off
Yes, state takes Fridays off. Every Friday off. Do I mind? Sometimes. When I need a day to make sure I don’t get too terribly behind in my other buildings? Not at all.

…for a great play to see on Friday Night
Joshua performed the part of the guard in The Lincoln Community Playhouse’s “Twelve Angry Men.” It was a great show, very well-performed. If you’re in or around Lincoln, I recommend getting tickets–they’re playing again this weekend.

…for time with my brother(s)
I had a great time shopping with Tim (brother) and Steve (almost brother) this weekend–and taking them to The Egg and I to thank them for helping me pick out a tv.

…for kids paying attention
My Sunday School class has an on-again-off-again attention span. What with how tired I was this week, I was immensely grateful that this was one of their “on” weeks.

…for lunch with friends after church
Is it ridiculous to say that I’m people-starved when I only had four days out of town last week? Nevertheless, I felt like I hadn’t seen my peeps for forEVER. So I’m thankful for a great time after church with Anna, Ruth, Beth, Jon, and Kathy. (And appreciative for their humoring me with a game of Skip-Bo.)

…for a razor blade
Let’s just say that I spent some quantity time with a razor blade–leaving me with little time or quality for sleep that night. But trying to do the job without a razor blade? I can’t even imagine.

…for abundant mercies on the road
I probably should have gotten a hotel for an extra night, but I didn’t. I fell asleep on my drive home. No persons or objects were harmed. I am overwhelmingly thankful.

…for a day of catch up
I’m working from home today, allowing me to catch up on some vital at-home activities (can anyone say, “Thank you, Lord, for clean underwear?)

The other catch up isn’t quite so easy–catching up on work, sleep, housework, homework (for my systematic theology class), and relationships.

But at least state is finally done.

that 2000 years ago, Jesus shouted “Done” and died
His “done” like my state “done” didn’t mean there wasn’t still more to come. But it was the down payment on the house, the signing of closing papers, the transfer of the deed. Jesus’ “done” is what gives me the strength to keep going.

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