Thankful Thursday: Yes

Thankful Thursday bannerI am thankful. Yes. I am.

Sometimes though, I’m busy enough or tired enough or whatever else enough that I forget to express it.

Which is why I have Thankful Thursday, after all. So long as I choose to do it.

Yes, I am thankful.

This week, I’m thankful…

…for quilting with Jo
It’s been forever since we just sat and talked, forever since we had our projects splayed out in front of us. So what if I didn’t get much sleep this weekend? I had a wonderful weekend with one of my best friends.

…for a crabby Little Miss
Really? I’m thankful for her crabbiness? Sort of. I’m thankful that God loves humanity enough to bring child after fallen child into the world. At nine months old, the Little Miss is an expert manipulator, doing what it takes to get her way. I was just like her and so were you. All of us, fallen from the day we were born. But God loved us despite our sin and paid the punishment for every manipulative tear.

…for work
God created work. He called man and woman both to it. Work is good. Even when I don’t like it. Even when I’m exhausted. He gave me work, and that is good. I will work at it heartily–and be thankful that God, in His wisdom, gave me such a work as this.

…for affirmation
Sometimes I feel absolutely boring, dried up, completely lacking in everything. Sometimes as in lately. I haven’t blogged much. I haven’t spent much time with my Columbus friends. I haven’t done much of anything except work (and drive to work in Grand Island). But then someone (Carrie) tells me I’m interesting–and my heart overflows. Maybe there still is something here. Thank you, Carrie–and thank you, Lord, for just what I needed to hear just now.

Yes, I am thankful

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