Thankful Thursday: Friends, Family, and my Fellow

Thankful Thursday banner

The Fourth of July was funny this year, since it fell on a Thursday and I couldn’t get Friday off of work (I can’t take vacation until I’ve been with the County for 6 months–and my 6 month date was July 7).

It meant that last week I worked three days, had a day off, worked one day, and had the weekend.

Since it WAS the weekend after the fourth, my brother and sister-in-law and nieces were down in Lincoln and we girls had planned a shower for our sister-out-law-soon-to-be-sister-in-law (and vice versa).

Which meant I needed to fly (by car) up to Lincoln Friday after work, and come back in time for work on Monday.

My husband my busyness as an opportunity to visit his friend Dave in Colorado. Daniel left Wednesday evening and came back on Monday.

This week I’m thankful…

…for crafting with Ruth
Ruth is back in town from South Africa–and her travel with work is finally slowing down. We took the opportunity to get together Thursday afternoon for some sweet fellowship, some crafting (she finished a quilt top, I worked on a gift for my niece), and some food (another iteration of the Sweet Potato and Spinach Curry–this time with ground turkey. It was delicious.) God has been so gracious to give me a good friend here in Wichita–and to finally be giving her some relief from her travels.

…for fireworks with friends
A friend from our old Sunday School invited Daniel and I to do fireworks out at her house. Daniel, being gone, couldn’t go–but I brought Ruth along with me and we had a great time watching fireworks, catching up on Susanna’s life, and eating Susanna’s wonderful Toll House bars.

…for waiting Little Misses
When I arrived at my parents’ house at ten Friday evening, I found my sister and Little Miss in the driveway waiting. I got a hug from the Little Miss and went inside, where I was immediately handed Little Sis for our first face-to-face meeting. How delightful it was to see my little nieces and their parents.

Self portrait of myself and the not-too-happy Little Sis

Little Sis is less than happy to be taking a self-portrait with her Aunt Rebekah

…for breakfast with Daniel’s family
Saturday morning, I dropped by Daniel’s parents’ place for breakfast and good conversation with Rick and Paula and Daniel’s sisters. Before I left, Daniel’s niece (up in town for a shower for an aunt on the other side of the family) woke up and I got to snap a few photos and tuck her into her car seat.


Miss H poses on a little stool at Grandma Garcia’s house

…for a fun-filled shower with extended family
It was fun, planning and having a shower for my current-sister-out-law, soon-to-be-sister-in-law (when she marries my brother in November). Even more fun was planning the shower with Joanna’s sister, my sister-in-law who is soon to be Joanna’s sister-out-law as well. (How’s that for fun?) I couldn’t be more pleased to welcome the second of the Brunk girls into our family. (Even if I couldn’t resist poking a little fun. We played a mad libs game from Pride and Prejudice, where Elizabeth tells her dad that she and Mr. Darcy are engaged. For the ending, we had Joanna’s father announce that Timothy was alright–and that he thinks he perhaps likes HER husband as much as he likes Debbie’s. Te-he!)


Joanna poses with the beautiful cake her cousin made for her shower

…for hugs from old friends
I attended church with my family in the morning, at the church where I grew up. The last time I’d been there was when Daniel and I got married. While the congregation has had a lot of new people since I last attended, there were still a few faces I knew–and many of them came by to give hugs and catch up.


The Little Miss puts “ovies” on her fingers at Val’s

…for the early return of my husband
By the time Monday rolled around, I was really missing Daniel. Since I’d moved to Wichita in January, there hadn’t been a day I hadn’t seen him until he left to visit Dave. Five days seemed a very long time. I expected Daniel back when I returned from work Monday evening, but was immensely pleased when I heard his key in the lock halfway through my lunch break on Monday. It was is so nice to have him back.

God has been so good to me to bless me with such rich gifts: friends, family, and my beloved. And, of course, there’s the friend who is with me whether in Wichita, in Lincoln, or wherever I go.

What a friend I have in Jesus.

Thank You, Lord, for giving me Him.

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