Thankful Thursday (8/29/2013)

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This week I’m thankful…

…for an unnecessary wake up call
Daniel prays with some other men early every Thursday morning. Two weeks ago, I feel asleep after he left and slept right through until I should have been at work. Last week, Daniel called me about 45 minutes before I had to leave for week–and I was glad to announce that I was up and just out of the bath!

…for help with Friday’s chili
I was behind on Friday, way behind. I had to get to work and the chili had to go in the crockpot. When time became desperate Daniel gave me orders. No touching the chili until I was all ready for work–including having finished breakfast. Which meant Daniel chopped the onion and browned the hamburger and added the seasonings to the crockpot. What a blessed woman I am, to have a husband who cares for me so.

…a dad who wants his daughter to explore the wide variety of careers available for women
I was surprised but pleased when a dad asked me a favor after I’d finished certifying his youngest daughter. He wants his eldest daughter to learn more about the types of fields she could go into someday. Could I describe my job and my education for her? I loved being able to describe my career path–but also to encourage her to read widely, to explore a variety of interests, and to shadow and volunteer wherever she has a chance.

a niece and nephew to play with my toys
Six-year-old E and four-year-old P stayed the night with us this last Friday while their parents were at a youth leader’s retreat in town. P and I dressed Addy, E and Daniel played with my cap gun. We played UNO and Connect Four and Memory. P put together the 50 states puzzle I picked up a couple years back at a used store. E found volume 11 of Childcraft, the same volume I pored over years ago as a visitor at the across-the-street neighbor’s house. He had seen my cardboard collection downstairs and asked if I had crayons, tape, scissors, and typing paper so he could make the foot-shaped fan he saw displayed on the pages. I was glad to assist him in completing one of those projects I dreamed of doing so often as a child myself.

…a friend
We met at a Sunday evening small group when I first moved here but didn’t really talk that much. When the small group ended in May, we parted ways. Then, about a month ago, Alexa texted me to ask if I wanted to hang out sometime. We took a walk and talked–and scheduled a date for tea the next week. This week, we made (and carried out) plans for Alexa and her husband (formerly Daniel’s roommate) to come over for dinner with Daniel and I. After a long stretch of feeling pretty lonely in this new town, it’s so wonderful to have a friend.

…a husband who serves me
Some might roll their eyes at how often Daniel appears on my “thankfulness” lists. They might presume that this is merely the rose-colored glasses of a newlywed. But when I read in Luke 22 how Jesus says that the greatest among you is the one who serves, and when I see that He reminds the disciples that He (Christ) is among them as one who serves, I thank God for giving me a husband who models Christ-like service. Just this week, Daniel has cleaned for me, has done dishes, has gone grocery shopping, has taken the trash to the curb, has picked me up food, has given me wake-up calls, has prayed for me, has comforted me, has let me sleep, has valued my input. I could never deserve such a great husband–He is a daily EOG (Evidence of [God’s] Grace).

I am so thankful to God, from whose hand all these things come, that He has called me according to His purposes and promised that all things (whether the nice things I listed above or the difficult things I have not listed) work together for my good–so that He might conform me to the image of His Son.

“For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be glory forever. Amen.”
~Romans 11:36 (ESV)

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