Recap (January 2014)

Articles Read:

  • Don’t Give My Husband Romance Lessons
    I enjoyed reading this little piece complaining (sort of) about others telling men what romantic means–especially because it came on the heels of a question a man asked in our Sunday School class “Is it okay for me to ask my wife what she thinks is romantic?” The answer was, of course, an unequivocal “YES!” The truth is, I like flowers and chocolates and furbelows as much as the next woman, but I’m too frugal and practical for Daniel giving me those things to be romantic. If he were to start bringing me home bouquets and candy, I’d probably think “Oh, that’s sweet, he’s trying to show me he cares” and then start worrying about which budget line that was coming out of and where I could cut something else to make it fit and… Thankfully, Daniel and I have discussed this and he knows how to romance me without spending money. Remember, men, you don’t need to know how to romance women, just how to romance your wife–so ask her, study her to figure out how to do it.

Books added to TBR List:

2014 Goal Game: 128 points

Tier 1 This month
Establish a Church home 17 points
Cope with Depression 17 points
Be a good wife 9 points
Unnamed goal 1 point
Tier 2 This month
Get House in Order 13 points
Be a good employee 3 points
Be more social 38 points
Tier 3 This month
Take Time for Hobbies 22 points
Cook through “One Pot” cookbook 8 points

1 thought on “Recap (January 2014)”

  1. I saw that one about romance, too, and appreciated it. I saw a similar article a while back with the same idea applied to submission – a wife doing all sorts of things that she thought a good, submissive wife would do, until she asked him once what his priorities for her were and found out they were different. We so need to take our cues from each other rather than culture.


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