Thankful Thursday: Momentary Mercies

Sometimes life seems very confused.

Weeping lasts for a very long night…

but then there’s work the next morning.

This hasn’t been the easiest of weeks for me–I had an enormously long day on Tuesday (I didn’t get back from Grand Island until midnight) and have pretty much been running on emotional empty since then.

Thankful Thursday banner

That’s why this week, I’m thankful for the momentary mercies…

…for laughing at the ducks (actual ducks, not these sort) winging above our house

…for a friend who encouraged me to take the night off

…for grimacing smiles from a friend who feels my pain during a particularly unbearable session

…for the brief reprieve of sleep after hours of exhausted sobbing

…for a little stand up comedy routine during our morning meeting (my coworkers rarely fail to crack me up)

…for meetings that were short, saving my voice and my heart for other work

…for the little lady in the Alzheimer’s unit who told me I was a good friend after I stopped to chat with her a while before going back to my office

…for the story of classical music playing in my car

…for recipes for corn bread and enough time to run out and get them

…for goats in the truck in front of me on my way home from work

…for the man on his bicycle outside my house when I got home

…for my bike waiting in the garage, reminding me that last night’s bad dreams were simply bad dreams, not reality

And most of all, I’m thankful for the continuous mercy shown to me through YOUR prayers and encouraging comments.

Even as I dredge the “depths of despair” (as Anne of Green Gables would say), you continually remind me not to turn my back on God, not to listen to the lies the enemy would tell me about who I am and where I’m at.

Thank you, thank you so much.

I thank my God in all my remembrance of you.

3 thoughts on “Thankful Thursday: Momentary Mercies”

  1. I thought of you today when I heard “Blessings” by Laura Story… You might relate to some of the lyrics.

    And I can just hear Anne of Green Gables saying that. :-)

    You are special!


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