Shelving. Not exactly the most scintillating topic.
But a worthwhile one.
Often the shelves are simply box store prefabs, not particularly spectacular, except for what’s on them.
What’s on a shelf can contain a wealth of knowledge. (This particular shelf is a bit empty because I just moved a slew of reference books into my office at work.)
What’s on a shelf can make a home beautiful, or fill a home with wonderful food. (I forgot to take a picture of my cookbook cupboard–sorry!)
What’s on a shelf can entertain, relax, or inspire thought. (Perhaps you recognize that there are multiple copies of a few books–perils of combining collections with someone who likes many of the same books.)
What’s on a shelf can help one draw near to God.
What’s on a shelf can be beautiful, can speak the words of Scripture.
Of course, up until now, I’ve only spoken of Walmart shelves, Shopko shelves. Particle board pre-fabs put together with dummy proof screws. Shelves that sag under the weight of their contents.
But sometimes the shelf is
made by a craftsman.
Solid and sturdy,
Built to last
Sometimes it’s a gift.
Even if I don’t know exactly where to put it
or what to do with it,
the shelf is a gift.
(This particular shelf was given to me at my “shelf party”. The giver’s husband made it years ago, before he died, leaving my friend a widow.)
There’s a double meaning in that!
To quote my favorite Shakespearean hero…
If you were a shelf you would be the one that is super big and sturdy. Cuz you’ve got a lot of depth, and a lot of knowledge, and a lot of guts.
Happy belated(by a month) birthday, sister dear.