Life is looking up

…a friend found my camera–the one I’ve been looking for for over a week. It has dozens of pictures from our ladies retreat on it–and I promised myself I wouldn’t buy another camera until I could afford a digital SLR. Now I won’t have to renege on my promise.
…I managed to get most of this morning’s lab reports graded and handed back today–with only a minimum of student complaints.
…I had a lovely conversation with a former classmate (under- and over-grad) who is now a lecturer in the department

Seasonal Affective Disorder still seems to be kicking my butt. I’m behind in nearly every class–not to mention laundry, cleaning, blogging, reading, bill paying, you name it. But every so often, I can see a glimmer of sunlight that promises that winter is not forever.

Thanks for praying–and please continue when you can. I need to find some time to talk to a medical practitioner about switching my meds–but right now just the thought of scheduling an appointment and discussing all this with a new doctor (since my teaching assistant insurance doesn’t pay for my regular PAs) is overwhelming.

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