Maybe I’m just tired…

Or maybe I’m really glad to see that people still visit my website even when I’m not posting.

Or maybe it’s the seasonal affective disorder that the meds aren’t effectively treating.

Or maybe I’m a bit emotional because my uncle just died.

Or maybe I’m just smelling the onion left on my hands from the stew I threw together this afternoon.

Whatever the case, my eyes are a bit watery tonight.

Big things, little things, they cause my heart to swell.

Swell with thankfulness that my uncle is in heaven, worshiping freely with a whole mind (He died of brain cancer.)

Swell with sorrow as I think of his wife (my aunt), his children and grandchild, future grandchildren that will never meet him.

Swell with joy as I think of the woman who joined our Bible study tonight, a seeker, eager to experience God.

Swell with sadness as I think of her husband, raised in the church, but skeptical of the faith.

Swell with joy as I consider all the many things God, in His grace, has allowed me to accomplish today, despite the SAD.

Sigh with exhaustion as I consider all the things I have yet to accomplish in the upcoming days.

My day has been full, my heart is full, my eyes threaten to overflow.

God has been good and gracious throughout each of life’s ups and downs.

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