Thankful Thursday: Many Blessings

Today I’m thankful…

…for the sunshine that warmed the world and awoke my soul.
For some reason, Nebraska got a nice Indian summer today at the beginning of November. I’m not complaining!

…for the Hillsong United CD in my car.
I enjoyed worshiping on my way to class and back.

…for the calm of the library and the work I was able to complete there.
Last year, it seemed the library was always crazy loud with middle school students “hanging out” after school. Today, the library was quiet and I was able to get 20 papers graded.

…for Swedish meatballs with my folks.
When Mom and Dad invited me over for Swedish meatballs and pumpkin pie, I couldn’t refuse–even if I already had a stew in the crockpot. So I had a nice meal with them and I’ve got tomorrow’s lunch in the fridge!

…for God’s grace in the midst of my winter.
I have been overwhelmed by how well God has enabled me to cope during this past week. I’ve been able to push past the exhaustion that dogs my every step and really get some stuff accomplished. Who knows, maybe I’ll have to cancel that appointment with the NP next week for new depression meds! (I won’t be making any promises yet, though.)

What are you thankful for?

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