I’m freezing my bum off.
You’ve heard the phrase, right?
But what exactly does it mean? Is it supposed to be a reference to frostbite, a condition in which one literally freezes off parts of one’s body?
Probably not. My bet is that it has no grounding in thought.
It’s one of those things like “knocked my socks off”, silly and meaningless.
But imagine that you could actually freeze your bum off, like you would freeze off a wart. Imagine a simple outpatient procedure in which a doctor delicately freeze’s ones bum and then shaves it off like one whittles a piece of wood.
I’m sure that would be a popular procedure.
Alternately, imagine you could kiss a belly and make it go away–like you kiss a boo-boo to make it go away.
Now that would be a popular procedure.
Instead, we’re left with a much less glamorous and much more labor-intense process: learning to alter our behavior.
My marriage to Daniel has altered his behavior in a way that has not been friendly to his waistline. I’ve disrupted his schedule such that his once-regular runs have become a thing of the past and his once uber-low-calorie lunches (of lettuce salad) have turned to scrumptious (not-quite-so-low-calorie) leftovers.
So, in an effort to be a good wife this year and to support Daniel’s weight control efforts, I’ve decided to change MY behavior.
Among my Tier 1 objectives? Be a good wife.
Goals to earn points include running with Daniel (more points for longer spurts of running) and preparing more vegetables.
I can’t freeze Daniel’s bum off. Nor can I kiss his belly and make it go away. But I can help to make our home an environment that is more friendly to his goals.
For now, that’s preparing two vegetables instead of one with each meal–which means the overall calories of a plate full of food goes down without depriving him of food (a la Volumetrics and MyPlate.)
It’s dishing up our plates in the kitchen and putting away the next day’s lunches simultaneously–meaning we don’t keep eating just because the food is there on the table.
It’s using those divided tupperware for Daniel’s lunches, so he has a vegetable along with the main dish.
It’s keeping the fruit bowl stocked with fruit that Daniel can take to work for snacks instead of relying on the vending machine for when he can’t concentrate due to low blood sugars.
And it’s getting myself fit so I can run with him. Sigh.
Freezing his bum off would be easier than THAT.
Just to clarify: I have NOT made a goal to change my husband this year. Rather, I value him and his goal of a healthy weight and want to support him in this. These changes are NOT things that I am imposing upon him, but things we have discussed and have determined to be ways that I can help him reach his goals.