Reviving Thankful Thursday

As I have found myself slipping again into a pit of discontent, I feel it might be worthwhile to revive last year’s “Thankful Thursday” (which I wrote exactly one day less than one year ago, coincidentally.) It does me well to reflect on the goodness of God.

Today I’m thankful…

  • That I knew at least SOME of the questions on my biochemistry test. Depending on how he grades, I might do decently.
  • That I was able to get an interview with the dietitian at Matt Talbot Kitchen & Outreach. We did double duty as she manned a stand at one of the Community Crops Farmer’s Markets.
  • That I ran into Karen from NEP (Nutrition Education Program) at the market today. It was so nice to catch up with her.
  • That Anna decided to leave us some cups. Looking at my possessions sans what Anna’s taking to her new place, it seems we won’t have to buy near as much as we expected. (As of right now, it looks like our main “wish list” is silverware, plates, knives, handheld mixer, iron, and ironing board–If you have any that you’re longing to get rid of, keep Casandra and I in mind!)
  • That Dad offered to let me practice on “William” whenever I’d like. Anna’s taking her piano with her–and when Dad saw me today, he came over to give me a hug and “console me over the loss of a piano.” He then assured me that I could play William (my parents’ upright grand) whenever I’d like. What’s more, since I live in the same neighborhood as they do, I actually might be able to take them up on the offer.
  • That I don’t have to go anywhere tomorrow. I feel the need for a veg–and it just so happens that the other TA is teaching the lecture tomorrow and told me she doesn’t care if I come. I won’t be going.

Simple Sunday: Nachos

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~Thankful for the Mexican leftovers our church sent us home with after the work day yesterday. Nachos are one of my favorite foods, but my frugal outlook rarely allows for a bag of tortilla chips (and topping the chips with gobs of shredded cheddar, like I prefer it, isn’t exactly easy on the wallet either!) Nonetheless, thanks to LCF, I have some nachos to munch on as I read blogs (trying to keep my mind off the fact that I’M TEACHING MY FIRST LAB TOMORROW!)

Tortilla chips and nacho cheese with beans

(Yeah, I know that doesn’t look the most appetizing–but it still tastes pretty good!)

Visit Davene at Life on Sylvan Drive for more Simple Sunday posts.

Simple Sunday: Food

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~Thankful for food. After 15 months of unemployment for Anna (12 of which were clinical rotations) and 7 months of unemployment for me (7 of which were clinical rotations), both of us are out of money. But even though we might not have money for things like milk or store-bought bread, we still have plenty of food left in our pantry or provided by my mother’s garden.

Pantry full of food

(Okay, I’m also thankful that my insurance settlement from the accident is February is coming this month and I’ll be employed starting next Monday. And I’m thankful that Anna has a job interview that sounds hopeful in a couple of weeks. God always provides!)

Visit Davene at Life on Sylvan Drive for more Simple Sunday posts.

Simple Sunday: A Clean Room

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~Thankful for a clean room. I haven’t had one in ages, partly due to the always expanding stack of papers I was bringing home from my internship. But now, with my internship done, I can make a clean sweep–and I did. There are now about 8 reams worth of paper in my garage awaiting recycling. (The rest is carefully filed for future reference.)

A Clean Bedroom

Visit Davene at Life on Sylvan Drive for more Simple Sunday posts.

Simple Sunday: That My Bike Was Still There

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~Thankful for so much it’s crazy!

  • Thankful for this class being over–it was a busy five weeks.
  • Thankful to be done with my case presentation.
  • Thankful to be done with clinical rotations–only 3 more weeks ’til I’m done with the internship for keeps!
  • Thankful for good friends and a great family (who I now have time to spend with since the above is done.)
  • And mostly, thankful that my bike wasn’t stolen this afternoon.


I’ve had shoes stolen out of my car at that library–so when I realized I hadn’t brought my bike lock, I was a bit aprehensive. I fiddled about with the bike for what was like five minutes, trying to decide whether to actually go in and browse like I had planned. Finally I decided I might as well leave it in God’s hands and go get my books.

Boy was I relieved when it was still there–and with all it’s doo-dad’s too.

Visit Davene at Life on Sylvan Drive for more Simple Sunday posts.

Simple Sunday: Sunday School Silliness

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~Thankful for a chance to be silly with some of the “adults” at my church. We just finished a round of Sunday school classes–and, as is our tradition, we had a Sunday school fellowship hour to wrap up this segment and begin the next.

We fellowshipped for a half an hour or so over coffee and donuts–then my dad, the elder in charge of Sunday Schools, handed out little scraps of paper in preparation for some Bible trivia. The Bible trivia was a lot of fun–and got even funner when some of the *ahem* adults in the room decided to start making and launching paper airplanes using the leftover scraps of paper.

Paper Airplanes on the Floor

Absolute hilarity.

Just to clarify, I was not one of the *ahem* adults who started the juvenile behavior. Both the youth and the 20S Sunday School were decorous almost until the end. The instigator was a woman who shall remain nameless but who happens to be a mother of a couple of 20S and a youth–and the wife of an elder currently on furlough.

Visit Davene at Life on Sylvan Drive for more Simple Sunday posts.

Simple Sunday: International Quilt Study Center

~Thankful for quilting–and the long tradition of quilting that goes on before me. Thankful for the opportunity to enjoy the International Quilt Study Center with a friend and fellow quilter this afternoon.

State Flowers Quilt compliments of International Quilt Study Center

The above quilt was created from a kit–only the quilter appliqued each individual flower rather than embroidering it. Each piece is tiny–and incredibly intricate. Read more about the State Flowers Quilt on the IQSC website–and sign up for an e-mailed Quilt of the Month club if you’d like.

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Visit Davene at Life on Sylvan Drive for more Simple Sunday posts.

Simple Sunday-Silliness

~Thankful for the little silly times with my Dad. Sticking our noses together and moving our heads–“Your eyes are bobbling up and down!” Kicks in the butt and flight lessons. Chasing us around the yard with a stick [a pencil, folks, calm down!] Dancing in the living room to “We wanna see Jesus lifted high”. Right angles in the library stacks. Exploring “evolution” by walking like an ape in the basement of Morril hall. And occasionally breaking out in loud and nerdy snorts in the midst of a game of Pit.

Dad and I

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Visit Davene at Life on Sylvan Drive for more Simple Sunday posts.