I’m trying to decide whether I’m excited to receive my economic stimulus payment

I received a letter today from the IRS announcing that I would soon be receiving my economic stimulus payment. I checked my bank account and discovered that it had been deposited last week. I was really hoping I wouldn’t get it–so that I wouldn’t have to decide what I thought about it.

I think it’s a great idea in one sense–and an awful one in another. I am all about putting money back in the hands of the people–and spreading it out over a lot of people at that. The economic stimulus package does that. It’s a better plan than an alternative that might have the government artificially interfering with the economy. In general,my thought is that the closer we can get to a free market, the better off our market will be. Better that the money (and thereby the control) be in the hands of the people than in the hands of the government.

The problem is–it’s even better that the money be in the hands of the people that earned it. And that’s not me. I didn’t pay taxes last year. I earned money. I filed taxes. But I didn’t pay taxes. So the money that just got placed into my bank account? It came from somebody who paid taxes–likely someone who needs it as much or more than I do. It came from somebody who was working for a wage they didn’t get to keep. I kept all my wages.

It’s not fair, it’s not just. It’s government as Robin Hood–stealing from the “rich” and giving to the “poor.” Except that I’m much richer than many of the “rich”. I make enough to live comfortably–to give, to satisfy my needs and many of my desires. I have very little debt–which makes me pretty rich among Americans. If I don’t have enough money, one person goes hungry. If someone else doesn’t have enough, an entire family may go hungry. But I qualify, on the basis of an income bracket and a semi-random lottery, to receive $300 that someone else worked for and was forced to hand over to the government.

But what can I do? I can’t right the injustice. It was deposited into my bank account. I can’t just rip it up as I might have been able to with a paper check. I can’t return it. And I don’t want to. After all, better that the money be in the hands of the people than in the hands of the government. It’s just that it doesn’t belong in my hands. I already earned my money–and I got to keep it all.

Well, Lord, injustice or not, I have received this money. Help me to use it in a way that would bring honor to Your name.

2 thoughts on “I’m trying to decide whether I’m excited to receive my economic stimulus payment”

  1. On 05.06.08 – 8:39 pm
    Casandra said:

    My stimulus check was also recently deposited. I guess I hadn’t thought about it this way before. “oh look, the government is giving me money for me to put back into the economy and I’m putting it directly into my savings account.” =)

    May we honor Jesus in all we do, for He is worthy just because of who He is.

    I love you!

  2. On 05.06.08 – 9:11 pm
    Davene said:

    An interesting situation you’ve got yourself in…and I appreciate how you’re approaching it so much more thoughtfully than most people who just revel in a little extra money and don’t think any further than that.


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